
Saturday, August 15, 2020


Why would an employee of a bona fide extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars meet in secret with many Zionists who are on the edge of the Zionist network that ran the Epstein/Maxwell paedo network, and also on the edge of the network that did 9/11?

Why do Infowars worship Roy Cohn, who was the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob, and ran paedophile networks for the CIA for blackmail purposes and to supply children to be abused at the parties of CIA-sponsored satanists?

And why do the Ickes still hang out with and promote Infowars and their employees?

The answer: all sold out. Sold out for fame and money. Faustus. The worst is David Icke, who claims to be the Son of God but actually sanctions burglary and hacking claiming to be saving the world but all he is doing is giving his family an advantage over the rest of you.

David Icke is total scum. I will prove it in court, and by other means.

Why is he still promoting himself on Infowars? Why is his son Garth promoting Watson?


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