
Wednesday, September 09, 2020


There are a gang of crooks masquerading as freedom fighters. They think that they and I are on the same side, so they think they can do anything they want to me, and by extension to you, indeed to us all. They think we're in such a desperate situation that they can hack and burgle and spy on and try but fail to blackmail. But the situation cannot be that bad because this gang are not giving their stuff away for free. Nope. They expect you to give them your work for free and to take credit for it.

They are indeed a self-proclaimed monarchy and criminal intelligence apparatus, a cancer inside normal society.

This gang have seriously underestimated how I would react to being hacked and burgled.

This gang have seriously overestimated their importance.

We are not on the same side.

They declared war on me, not t'other way round.

They are no better than the crooks they claim to be saving us from.

And that is the crux of the crooks: we were on the same side, but after I explained some of my research into the sun they decided to declare war on me.

My prime target and enemy was the banks. But now it's the crooks masquerading as freedom fighters.

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