
Saturday, October 03, 2020


It wasn't so long ago that Dez, aka Paul Joseph Watson, was implicitly accusing a very powerful network of white males of running the world. Infowars became famous because of Alex Jones' 'infiltration' of Bohemian Grove. Grovers are 99.99% white males.

Infowars accused the likes of Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, etc of running the world. Again, 99.99% white males. Freemasonry? White males. British Monarchy? Yep, white but currently female, but the beast was King Edward VII who engineered WW1: white male.

Prince Harry is correct: the world was created by white people for white people.

Take the USA: once inhabited by many native American tribes. Along comes the white man (among them Alex Jones' ancestors). What happened? Genocide and slavery. The USA is now the most powerful nation on earth, but also the most indebted, and with a 555ft penis (Washington Monument) outside the home (White House) of its ruler (President). A similar thing happened in Palestine, but on a much smaller scale: Palestine was inhabited, but along came the white Zionists who terrorised, murdered and raped the Palestinians off their lands and farms into the refugee camps of Gaza and the West Bank. Similar colonisation occured in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa. Spain and Portugal colonised South America.

The monarchies of Europe colonised Africa with horrific brutality and imperialism. Those monarchies: 99.99% white male. The British Monarchy similarly colonised India, and then China.

The British Monarchy have been consorting with paedophiles (Charles and Savile; Andrew and Epstein), and MI5 have been using children to blackmail powerful paedophiles for the British Monarchy. The Infowars crowd worship Zionist Roy Cohn who ran paedo networks for the CIA to supply children to be abused at the parties of CIA-sponsored satanists. Dez meets in secret with employees of the Epstein/Maxwell paedo network, while Prince Harry leaves the British Monarchy and all its privileges etc. But Dez mocks Harry?! And all the while Garth Icke promotes Dez?!?!

What. A. Shambles!!

But look who's re-tweeted this attack on Harry?

Dez sold out to the Zionist paedo network that did 9/11. Harry left that powerful network.

So tell me again: how is Harry incorrect with this statement? Clue: he's not wrong. He's spot on. Hence Dez attacks Harry, accusing H of being a coward who is afraid of his mixed race GF.

This is how low Dez has sunk.

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