
Wednesday, November 04, 2020


  1. Infowars made their name after 9/11 from claiming all terrorism in the USA was down to the FBI, either instigating a terror plot to entrap, or discovering a terror plot and allowing it to happen, or covering up a terror plot, such as 9/11;
  2. from these claims Infowars gained many, many followers and made a fortune from those who bought the Infowars increasing number of lifestyle products (an idea of Dez?), so that the Infowars shop no longer sells just DVDs but now also Infowars male beauty products, Infowars health products, and even Infowars face masks!;
  3. yet in Trump they support a dedicated Zionist who was put into the White House by the FBI after they torpedoed Clinton with a bogus investigation into her emails;
  4. and now they have dragged the Ickes into their sell out.  

Alex Jones' ex-wife Kelly has said that the growth of the business side of Infowars was the idea of Watson, which shows he is in this just for the money.   

Kelly says that the Jones family stole Infowars from her, then Watson suggested the Infowars lifestyle products business.

Watson is now hanging out with Zionists such as employee of the Epstein/Maxwell paedo network, Jacob Wohl, and dedicated Zionist Mike Cernovich who works with Alan Dershowitz to discredit victims of the same Epstein/Maxwell paedo network. Dershowitz managed to get the Dancing Israelis freed to flee justice in Israel, where they said live on TV that they were in the USA filming on 9/11 to "document the event", ie the planes flying into the WTC. Coz they knew. THEY FUCKING KNEW BEFOREHAND!! They set their cameras up and waited. Luckily someone saw them. But Dershowitz got them out of the USA. And Watson hangs out with Dershowitz's best mate Cernovich.

And the Ickes are now definitely in with this Zionist crowd and are apparently loving it!

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