
Sunday, November 15, 2020


Was it really about £350 million for the NHS?

Or was there something more sinister to it all?

I've been watching the drama, Brexit : The Uncivil War, over the weekend, and there is a scene in which Aaron Banks and Nigel Farage meet Robert Mercer. There is also a scene in which Dominic Cummings meets Zak Massingham who tells Cummings that AggregateIQ were looking for a very large experiment to test their algorithms on.

David Icke supports Brexit but believes that Trump is an Illuminati frontman.

But what if the team that put Trump into the White House also delivered Brexit?

If the team that put Illuminati frontman Trump into the White House also delivered Brexit then doesn't that mean that Brexit was/is also wanted by the Illuminati?

I detest the use of 'Illuminati' because I think there's something less conspiratorial but involving a conspiracy of sorts. And it has to do with Nazi loot. And a power grab by the right wing in the UK.

Anyway, here's a shot of the ending of Brexit : The Uncivil War.

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