
Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Infowars made their fame and fortune from 9/11. They accused Saudi Arabia, Israel and a Zionist faction of running 9/11 as a false flag operation. They also accused the FBI of running terror in the USA. And in this I believe they are correct. 

They also first called Trump a shill for the Clintons. But in 2016, when Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars, they changed their tune and promoted Trump, Stone calling Trump "the real deal".

But who torpedoed Clinton in 2016? The FBI!

So who is Stone? He is a master of the dark arts of political intrigue.

In 1980 Stone delivered a $250k bung from Roy Cohn (who ran paedophile networks for the CIA) to split the anti-Reagan vote in New York to hand New York to Reagan.

In 2000 Stone led the Brook Brothers Riot to stop a recount in Florida which gave Florida to Bush.

Stone knobbled Eliot Spitzer to enable the financial crisis of 2007/8.

And in 2016 Stone promoted Trump to the crucial Infowars demographic.

But the key fact about this appearance of Stone on Infowars is this: in 2016 Infowars went from blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the likes of Israel, Saudi Arabia, the British Monarchy, Skull & Bones, etc, to blaming 9/11 and everything bad on real lilfe muslims, leftists and immigrants. Despite Paul Joseph Watson writing a half-decent book on 9/11 which blamed U S and British intels for 9/11 and other terror !!  

Alex Jones has admitted that Infowars is a member of a U S Military Intelligence propaganda network.

Where were U S Military Intelligence on 9/11? AWOL.

And half of Alex's family are CIA.

And Alex's family also have a treasonous streak in them: they founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836, and then fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to defend negro slavery. Alex now defends the treasonous Confederacy by lying that the cause of the U S Civil War was a tarrif, when all ordinances of secession state that defending negro slavery was the prime cause.  

Alex was fond of slagging off the CIA as treasonous while not admitting that half his family are CIA!

Anyhoo, in 2016 Trump said he knew who did 9/11 and that he'd reveal the true perps. So far he has not done so, but the signs are ominous: he flew to Riyadh and took the knee to the King of Saudi Arabia; and he has done everything that Israel has asked of him, even assassinating General Soleimani of Iran to try to provoke Iran into war. Trump is also protecting Islamic State in Syria, and handing over the Golan Heights to Israel.

Infowars and their ilk whine and whinge about the Dems trying to steal this 2020 election.

But look at what Roger Stone has done. And how the FBI (who Infowars claim are covering up 9/11 and running terror in in the USA|) handed the 2016 election to Trump.

And now we find Paul Joseph Watson hanging out with dedicated Zionists on the edge of the 9/11 and Epstein/Maxwell paedo networks?!?!

And the Ickes promote him and whore themselves out on Infowars?!?!

Infowars are not in this out of altruism. It's all about the money and keeping 'Murica as racist and far right and Zionist as possible.

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