
Saturday, November 28, 2020


In yet another mind-blowing Not The BCFM Politics Show, Tony Gosling suggested that Porton Down could be the source of Rona. There's some real shady shit going on at Porton. As there is at Fort Dettrick, which was probably the source of a Rona-like illness during the summer of 2019 within a few mile radius of the lab there, as Martin Summers has been pointing out frequently.

So what do we have:

  1. Rona-like illness within a few mile radius of Fort Dettrick during the middle of 2019;
  2. Israel is warned that a Rona-like illness will come out of China in late 2019;
  3. Rona strikes the world in late 2019 and China is blamed;
  4. Wall Street is bailed out with at least $3 trillion with trillions soon to follow, while the USA is in total lockdown so nobody can protest;
  5. vaccine technology (financed by Wall Street) that has been unable to pass safety tests suddenly gets the pass coz Rona, and billions of doses of DNA-altering chemicals are to be injected into everyone's veins at a cost of trillions;
  6. Wall Street starts to party like it's 1999.    

Meanwhile, Garth Icke posts a photo of him smirking as he points at a sign outside a village in Austria with a rather rude name.

I know whose media I'll be following. And it won't be the Ickes.

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