
Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Who in the UK will now resist a dodgy vaccine from 'a hero'.

Nobody, except a 'David Icke nutter', as Nicky Campbell expressed so eloquently this morning.

In other news, in Liverpool some dudes drove around shouting through a megaphone to Liverpool children that they refuse to be forced-tested.

Note that David Icke is doing no such thing on the Isle of Wight. He's quietly trying to understand the codes he hacked and stole from me.

And while his gaff-prone son Garth swerves protest after protest, daddy Dave continues to promote Garth, even after Garth mocked an anti-war, anti-racist campaigner for being violently assaulted by neo-Nazis.

So there you go. 

Dum diddly dum. Dum diddly dee.

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