
Saturday, December 26, 2020


The C and G is where Paul Joseph Watson hangs out.

Yep, the same PJW who the Ickes promote.

The C and G has honorary members:

  1. The Duke of Edinburgh (who wants to reincarnate as a deadly virus to reduce population);
  2. Prince Charles (who murdered Princess Diana and was a close friend of Jimmy Savile);
  3. Prince Andrew (aka Randy Andy, close friend of Jeffrey Epstein).

And its President is The Duke of Kent (top Freemason in the UK if not the world).

And not only that! Next door is the RAF Club!!

British establishment, anyone? 

This RAF/C and G building nexus is the closest thing we have to where the British Establishment hierarchy hangs out to relax. And guess who's there eating cheese on toast to buy them a brandy? Yep. Extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset PJW, who just helped the British establishment to screw the USA in assisting Brexit so that the UK can grab the choice contracts in China/Far East while the likes of Trump drag the USA out of such trade deals, coz globalism.


No matter what happens, the British hierarchy will screw you.

This has to stop. And the only way, as dickhead Icke has finally realised, is to destroy their banking system. 

It's not to write books. Or hold 9 hour presentations of bullshit and speculation. Or present himself as our saviour in a pink jumper.

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