
Thursday, December 31, 2020


Hi Dave.

That house I was living in? You know, the most anti-war, anti-racist home in the UK? The one you were spying on?

My bedroom was frequently shot at late at night. The room overlooked some woods. Someone hiding in those woods used to shoot at my bedroom window with some kind of pellet gun. When I opened the window the shooting stopped. When I closed the window and curtains the shooting re-started. Not every night because the police would have caught the perp. But it was always dry, and on random nights. I never went out to investigate further because I knew it was a plot. And sure enough, one morning several puppies were found murdered where I believe the shooter used to shoot at my window. The shooting stopped after that grisly discovery.

Now, if you recall:

  1. there were 2 definite attempted abductions of me, and possibly a third;
  2. I was zapped for nearly 7 years (when you weren't);
  3. I found an incomplete, irregular and inverted pentagram drawn on my car in the snow when no other car in the street had any drawing on it whatsover;
  4. you piggy-backed on a mob/intel surveillance network of me while I lived in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK if not the world;
  5. and now someone has professionally burgled 2 external storage devices from my sister's house (this was obviously a death threat beause if they wanted the data they could have just copied the data on those devices);
  6. and your son Garth mocked me over that professional burglary.

I believe you have fallen into a satanic mob/intel network, perhaps unwittingly, but in that network all the same.

You have chosen the wrong side, buddy. 

If I find out that you have those devices, or are using the data on them, or you know someone else who is using that data, then I am coming to get you.


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