
Sunday, April 18, 2021


If they are, why do they hang out with Alex Jones so much?

I mean, who is using who here?

Alex Jones' family founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836. They went on to fight at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to defend negro slavery. Alex defends and protects the Confederacy by blaming the US Civil War on a tariff when all Confederate states have written documentation that the war was about preserving negro slavery. And Alex's ex-wife Kelly says Alex used to brag in private that his family also founded the Texas branch of the Ku Klux Klan.

Now, replace slavery with paedophilia in the above paragraph and I assume the Ickes would rather burn Alex Jones alive than talk to him.

If so, why is slavery acceptable?

A family so drenched in racial oppression and blood (remember that Alex's late uncle Biff ran death squads in Guatemala for the CIA/Pentagon) as Alex Jones' (and we see this tyranny in Alex terrorising his own daughter in a low-flying helicopter) has gained the respect and adoration of the man who calls himself The Son of God, David Icke, who is in fact a crook and a crime boss and a fraud.

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