
Monday, April 19, 2021


In a word : YES!

What she and the Chauvinistas are asking us to believe is that George Floyd would have died anyway on that day at the precise time he did no matter what he Floyd did, without Chauvin's knee on his neck for nearly 9 minutes because Floyd had several stimulants in his system.

There is no doubt that Floyd died because of the influence Chauvin had on Floyd's system. What the defence have argued is that Floyd would have died anyway at that precise second he did, irrespective of Chauvin's influence, because of the drugs in Floyd's system.

It has been an eye-opener about who has promoted this demonic defence, the lead being Patrick Henningsen of 21st century Wire. But this is no suprise because one of their previous pro-Trump supporters and 'journalists' went to the USA to do a PhD. Is 21st Century Wire part of the same US Military Intelligence propaganda network as Infowars?

Yes, Floyd had taken stimulants.

Yes, Floyd was not a good guy.

No, Floyd should not have been murdered by a cop because of that. Floyd was murdered because of some counterfeit currency?

Chauvin contributed to Floyd's death. It's as plain as the Ickes are frauds.

BLM used the death. 

To oust Trump? Maybe.

But when a cop at least contributes to the death of any man or woman of any colour then justice must be served.

I mean, why isn't Dick Cheney in prison for the Iraq War 2003?

Why isn't Candace Owens demanding the imprisonment of Cheney instead of the release of Chauvin? 

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