
Thursday, July 22, 2021


Check out the podcast of The Richie Allen Show for Wednesday 21st July 2021.

A call from a man called Robert who claims to be a Brit working in Hong Kong as a lawyer. Listen from 1:09:00

Robert made several statements of great interest:

  1. he thinks the virus was released (or made up) to stop protests in Hong Kong, citing deaths in Hong Kong from the flu in 2019(about 300)  and deaths from the virus in 2020 (just over 100);
  2. then others around the world began to use the 'virus' to implement their own agendas;
  3. his last MP Philip Davies told Robert in October 2020 that soon Robert wouldn't be able to fly etc without a vaccination;
  4. Robert then claimed that the British government can already override all human rights law by declaring a public health emergency, and so can force vaccinations;
  5. Robert is also sceptical of Lord Sumption who regularly visits Hong Kong;
  6. Allen then expresses his scepticism of Fuellmich. 

Robert was followed by a caller called Dean who manages a care home. Dean said he's NOT taking the vax and will walk away from his job. He also said that most of his staff have reluctantly taken the vaccine but some are holding out.


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