
Sunday, August 08, 2021


Why does freak, scumbag and crime boss David Icke still appear on Alex Jones' Infowars?

Let's just recap some facts about Alex Jones and Infowars:

  1. Infowars is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset;
  2. Alex Jones made a fortune from 9/11 by claiming 9/11 was an inside job, that everything bad was due to the New World Order, and that all terror is run by NWO intels such as CIA, MI6, etc;
  3. But to get Trump elected in 2016 Infowars began to instead claim that 9/11 and everything bad was actually due to real-life muslims, leftists and immigrants;
  4. Alex's ex-wife Kelly claims that Alex and his family stole her controlling share in Infowars;
  5. Alex also believes that the British royal family run the world, but he employs Paul Joseph Watson who loves the British royal family;
  6. Alex protects, defends and promotes the British project known as The Confederate States of America;
  7. Alex also protects, defends and promotes Trump's mentor and "greatest friend" Roy Cohn who ran paedophile networks for the CIA to supply children to be abused by CIA-sponsored satanists;
  8. Alex is also a Zionist.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

It is astonishing to see freak, scumbag and crime boss David Icke continue to appear on Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars and whore himself out.

Or maybe not.

Icke doesn't seem to realise that he has failed already, on 8th December 2020 when thefirst Pfizer mRNA jab was injected. Or maybe it was 8 months before that, in April 2020 when the excess deaths were being generated by midazolam-induced euthanasia to terrify the world into believing there was a deadly virus on the rampage. Arrogant Icke blamed 5G. I said no, look closely at the deaths on the Isle of Wight. He didn't.

Or maybe he failed even before then, in 2018 when my sister's house was professionally burgled, and his talentless gobshite son Garth mocked me over that.


Icke. Has. Failed.

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