
Sunday, August 22, 2021


There's a post on today about Project Looking Glass, and that there will be a great awakening in the next few years.

See :

‘Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped’, says military insider. As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult – the people win as they awaken to the truth. We are in the darkest days in 2021/22 and into 23 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. Stay strong, don’t submit to tyranny – freedom IS coming and the ‘all-powerful’ Cult is in its last desperate death throes
The audio clip in the video is taken from a 2.5 hour visual interview. The Looking Glass stuff starts at 01:59:00
The guy gives his name as Bill Wood. But his real name is Bill Brockbrader, who claims to be a member of Seal Team 9, which apparently doesn't exist, and no Seal with his name is listed in the register of Seals. Brockbrader claims to have been trained to have superduper psychic powers, and also claims to have worked at Area 51. Brockbrader also claims to have saved many innocent families in Iraq from useless attacks with Tomahawk missiles.
Brockbrader was arrested for sex with a minor (12 year old girl) and sentenced to prison. He claims it was his whistleblowing on the Tomahawks that led to these charges.
However, there is also a Bill Brockbrader who was arrested in Idaho for moving there and not registering as a sex offender.

See : Phony SEAL Bill Wood Arrested May 14. Phony Navy SEAL of the CENTURY
They are all the same man!! 
In my opinion, Brockbrader/Wood are the same man and he is a liar.
And that date 21st December 2012 that Wood provides? That was the end of the world in the Mayan calendar. 
Look. David Icke is not the Son of God. He failed on 8th December 2020. He is a crook and a crime boss. Would the Son of God be a crook and a crime boss? No! Only a crook and a crime boss would claim to be the Son of God. 
Do not relax and think there is no work to be done because psycho sex offender Wood/Brockbrader says he used stargates and string theory to realise that the bad guys have lost already and they know it. 

But do know this: David Icke is a crook and crime boss and a fraud.

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