
Sunday, October 31, 2021


Alex claims that God and Jesus Christ work through him.

I seriously doubt this.

Here's why.

Alex comes from a major Confederate and slavery-loving family. Mexico had decided to ban slavery. Alex's family were instrumental in the rebellion by white European settlers in Mexico against the Mexican government and this decision which eventually led to the creation of the Republic of Texas in 1836 which preserved slavery. Alex recently admitted that his family worked with and for President Andrew Jackson. One man who tried to create an image of Saint Andrew Jackson was Edward Griffin, the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island. But further research reveals that Jackson was a white supremacist slaveholder, a traitor for both Spain and Great Britain against the United States, and the Godfather of the Confederacy. 

Jackson lobbied to admit Texas into the Union, which it was. But when Abraham Lincoln was elected as President and before Lincoln's inauguration Texas seceded from the Union it had worked so hard to join and joined The Confederate States of America in order to preserve slavery. This was all Jackson's doing: he loved slavery; he destroyed The Second Bank of the United States for Great Britain to leave the South dependent on a rural economy; he began the forced removal of native Americans to make way for European settlers to establish plantations worked by slaves. Alex's family then fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to preserve slavery. And Alex's ex-wife Kelly claims that Alex bragged that his family created the Texas branch of the Ku Klux Klan.

Alex detests Abraham Lincoln and claims that the U S Civil War was about a tariff. But all ordinances of secession clearly state that the Confederate states seceded to preserve slavery.

Alex has confessed that he is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda agent (and that he is not the only one from the alternative media - Ickes?), and despite claiming to be neutral on the Israel-Palestine conflict Alex has expressed his love for Israel on many times. Alex's sidekick Paul Joseph Watson also loves Israel and literally cheered Israel on during the last slaughter of Palestinians that Israel commited earlier this year.

Alex has financed the abortions of his own children, and has even terrorised his own daughter by buzzing her in a low-flying helicopter.

And despite claiming to be all for free speech, he is denying his ex-wife Kelly her free speech. This is part of a campaign by Alex against Kelly, after a jury trial awarded primary custody of their children to Kelly. Alex has blown the Infowars fortune on petty, frivolous, futile litigation against Kelly in an attempt to overturn that jury decision.

So Alex: defends slavery; killed his own children in the most cowardly, brutal and despicable way through abortion; terrorises his own living children; and denies free speech. Yet he begs you for money so he can continue it all?!

This all makes Alex the perfect guest for Garth Icke to interview on Right Now. Garth mocked me when my sister's house was professionally burgled.

Never forget that next time Alex appears with any of the Ickes, Alex is a Zionist, Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda agent.

And where were U S Military Intellignce before, on and after 9/11? 

But why are the Ickes so tight with Alex and his sordid history?

Are the Ickes a member of the same U S Military Intelligence as Infowars? Alex did say that Infowars is not the only member of that network from the alternative media.

So why are Alex and the Ickes so tight? 

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