
Friday, November 05, 2021


Two possible Icke blunders that could have led to the current virus/vaccine hoax.

First, Brexit. 

Icke vehemently supported Brexit. But Brexit freed the dreaded predatory The City of London from all EU financial regulations. When the result of the EU referendum was announced Webster Tarpley was furious, and suggested then, in 2016, that the British monarchy and The City of London had forged an alliance with China for The City of London to become the banker for the Renminbi.

So, in 2016 Tarpley was suggesting that there was a plot between the British monarchy and China to attack and destroy the Euro and the U S Dollar to make the Chinese Renminbi the most powerful and desired currency in the world.

Three years later there were reports of a strange virus killing people in China. In early 2020 the WHO declared a pandemic, and the race was on to find a vaccine. The world was terrified by reports coming out of China of blocks of residences being boarded up, people dropping dead in the streets, even people still alive and zipped up in body bags and then thrown alive into incinerators. And BBC Radio 5 Live was instrumental in the UK in spreading the fear.

So we come to the second role that Icke played in allowing this virus/vaccine hoax.

In Spring of 2020 there was a large number of excess deaths which were attributed by the UK Government to the virus. But one man disagreed: David Icke. Icke claimed that 5G was causing the excess deaths. But I disagreed with Icke, and yelled at him several times to investigate deaths on the Isle of Wight. He didn't. Turns out midazolam was being used on old folk to help them on their way to that big care home in the sky. If Icke had done some real research he may have discovered the use of midazolam and been able to expose the whole scam, and then stop the roll out of the mRNA vaccines which Icke claims will kill many this winter.

So 2 Icke blunders:

1. promoting Brexit to free The City of London from EU regulation to become the banker for the Chinese Renminbi;

2. arrogantly claiming 5G was the source of excess deaths in early 2020 which terrified the UK, when with a little local research on his beloved Isle of Wight he may well have discovered the use of midazolam to euthanise old folk, which he would have used to stop the roll out of the killer debilitating mRNA vaccines which Icke claims will kill many this winter.

And what do we see today: Britain promoting the break up of the EU by exaggerating every tiff that occurs in the EU, eg Frexit, Polexit, Italexit, etc; and the big 'un, the USA ripping itself apart over vaccine mandates.

And not forgetting that it was Brit Peter Daszak who cooked up the virus or viruses.

And all the while China is rising and rising and rising...

Just sayin'!



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