
Saturday, November 06, 2021


He's had decades to convince the world about his shape-shifting reptile theory.

So how's that going?


They are now injecting 6 month old babies with killer toxic gunge. 

And where are the protests?

I'm telling it to you straight : David Icke failed on 8th December 2020 when Margaret Keenan was injected with the Pfizer mRNA 'vaccine'.

The ordinary man in the street doesn't care, particularly about shape-shifting reptiles.

And as for his talentless gobshite son Garth?

Garth is showing very little urgency about the desperate situation his dad claims we're in.

Where is Garth today? Baseball practice and then getting bladdered with his mates.

In 2013 - 2015 I was showing some urgency, because I had first-hand experience of what the system is doing (zapping, stalking, kidnapping, secret surveillance, targeted individuals), and tried to persuade someone to help me destroy the banking system, and for that I'm the bad guy.

David and Garth don't have that first-hand experience. They've been told and read about it. But not experienced it first hand. Garth was called a few names. FUCKING! WOW!!

But Garth, with a 2 month old daughter can drive for 7 hours and go on an all-day hike up Snowdon, and drive for another 7 hours to visit a haunted house, and today do nothing and then get bladdered, all while his dad continues to spew his shape-shifting reptile theories that will provoke the ordinary man in the street to laugh his head off.

And to top it all off, they are best mates with a bona fide Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda agent who terrorises his own daughter and worships slavery-loving traitor and Godfather of the Confederacy Andrew Jackson, and idolises Donald Trump who loves Israeli infanticide of the children of Gaza and wants Israel to "rightfully" control 'Murica!

The Ickes are a sick joke.


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