
Saturday, December 25, 2021


It will more than likely be with Alex Jones and

Alex is a bona fide Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda agent whose hero is President Andrew Jackson.

Jackson was the Godfather of the Confederacy.

Alex's ancestors helped to establish the Republic of Texas in 1836, which was established in rebellion against Mexico who had outlawed slavery. The rebellion was not just about slavery, but you should know this: Alex's ancestors also fought in The Confederate Army in the U S Civil War to preserve slavery. So we can assume that Alex's ancestors established Texas to preserve slavery. Alex tries to hide this pro-slavery belief in his family by claiming the war was about a tariff. But you should read all the Ordinances of Secession of all Confederate states: they all state the preservation of slavery as the prime cause, with only one state mentioning a tariff as a secondary reason.  

Andrew Jackson was a traitor and slaveholder.

Jackson commited treason against The United States for Spain and Great Britain.

Jackson killed The Second Bank of the United States for Great Britain, which left the Southern states dependent on slavery. Jackson began the forced removal of native American tribes from soon-to-be Confederate states like Georgia and Mississippi. Planters bought up these lands to establish plantations which were worked by slaves.

Alex has also stated that his family worked for and with Jackson.

Jackson lobbied for the admission of Texas into the Union, which it was, only for Texas to secede to preserve slavery and fall into the British trap of trying to break up The United States.

And Alex knows that Israel did 9/11. Many of his guests have stated that Israel played a major role in 9/11, and his protege Paul Joseph Watson covered a report in the Italian media in November 2007 in which the former President and Prime Minister of Italy Francesco Cossiga stated that the intels around the world know that Israel and the CIA did 9/11.

But then Alex worked tirelessly to elect the self-declared biggest Zionist on the planet Donald J Trump, only for Trump to do everything that Israel asked hm to do, including assassinate General Soleimani. And one of the very first things that Trump did as POTUS was install a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office, and then travel to Jackson's  plantation The Hermitage to salute the rotting corpse of traitor and slaveholder President Andrew Jackson!

This is what the Ickes are allying with: Zionist, Confederate Alex Jones.

The Ickes are going to lose a lot of friends with this move.

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