
Thursday, February 10, 2022


NATO hired mercenary snipers from Georgia who shot up Maidan Square from roof tops overlooking the square.

This massacre was blamed on the pro-Russian Government, and provoked violent revolution by pro-NATO neo-Nazis, who took over the Government and began to wage war against the pro-Russian east of Ukraine.

Russia stepped in to protect the pro-Russian population in the east of Ukraine.

The pro-NATO neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine allowed civilian passenger flights over a war zone that they had created, and flew many bombing missions over the east of Ukraine knowing their and Russian BUKs were in the area. MH17 crashed. Each side accuses the other.

The tragedy of MH17 quickly led to ceasefires and talks.

So when Truss or Johnson point their fingers at Russia, remember that it was NATO who destabilised Ukraine in 2014 in a blatant attempt to drag Ukraine into NATO so NATO could plonk their nukes just that little bit closer to Moscow.

But note the despicable use by NATO of Nazis. We, the UK, USA, Netherlands, etc fought a world war against the Nazis. Our ally in that war was Russia. Well over 20 million Russians were murdered in the Nazi Operation Barbarossa invasion of the USSR. But at the end of WW2 the Nazis were allowed to go to the USA and South America.

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