
Thursday, March 10, 2022


This confirms my suspicions about the alleged bombing of the Mariupol maternity hospital yesterday.

I can't speak or read Russian but apparently the evacuation took place in February and was reported on

It's being reported that a child died, but no names have ben given, and no harrowing photos of babies and women being rescued from the rubble, which I would expect.

There is more than a whiff of bullshit about this. If the hospital was evacuated in February, then the destruction could have taken place days ago, and some bright propaganda agent (CIA?) thought that the destruction could be used: just bring in a few pregnant women, start a small fire here and there, bring in a fire rescue crew etc. This is how NATO propagandists work, and it worked very well in The Arab Spring.

Plus it's NATO's beloved Nazi Azov Battalion in Mariupol, desperate to get NATO involved via a no-fly-zone or even direct intervention to save their Nazi arses.

Remember that NATO used snipers to shoot up Maidan Square in February 2014 to provoke a neo-Nazi uprising, and that worked.

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