
Sunday, March 13, 2022


The charge : Donald J Trump is a total Zionist mobbed-up intel fraud

The evidence :

1. Trump's mentor and "greatest friend" Roy Cohn was given a job at a New York law firm as a lawyer by the CIA to become the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob, which Cohn became. Cohn also ran paedophile networks for the CIA. Trump ran his own underage-sex-and-cocaine parties at which Trump and his mates would ply vulnerable young women looking for modelling contracts with drink and cocaine with the suggestions that modelling contracts were available when they weren't.

2. Trump bought the casino Resorts International (RI) in 1987. RI was a money-laundering operation for the mob/CIA/Mossad in their fight against Castro. Trump ran the operation into the ground, and the Rothschilds helped to bail him out. 

3. Trump has accused the Saudis but not Israel, of 9/11, and at a rally in Bluffton, SC, Trump told the attending crowd, "It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cuz they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out." But we never found out, coz Trump sold out. Trump does not want to re-open 9/11 when he says he does.

4. But after accusing the Saudis of 9/11 many times Trump gave the Saudis any weapons and intelligence and assistance they wanted to bomb Yemen back into the stone age and create the world's greatest humanitarian catastrophe, killing hundreds of thousands of children through missiles courtesy of the USA, and famine and disease.

5. Trump told mega Zionist casino magnate Shledon Adelson that he, Trump, is the biggest Zionist on the planet. But in November 2007 the former President and Prime Minister of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, stated that the intels around the world know that 9/11 was done by the CIA and Mossad. Trumper Paul Joseph Watson reported this bombshell, but Watson ignored Trump's Zionism in 2016 and pushed Trump as President.

6. Trump and his family used cheap Chinese Communist sweatshops for decades, and Trump encouraged his daughter Ivanka to base the supply chain for her global fashion business in China, which she did.  

7. Trump called Netanyahu, "a great guy", after Netanyahu had murdered 500 children in Gaza in 2014, some of them with phosphorous.

8. Trump assassinated Iranian General Soleimani who was widely considered to be the one man defeating ISIS in Syria. ISIS was a MI6/CIA/Mossad operation as revealed by Trump's mate General Flynn! So why did Trump assassinate the one man defeating ISIS?

9. The current James Bond villain is WEF Klaus Schwab who is working with and for the British royal family. Schwab began his Young Global Leaders in 2004. Trump's daughter Ivanka is a YGL (Class of 2015).

10. Trump frequently socialised with Jeffrey Epstein. Maria Farmer was the first to accuse Epstein of organised sexual abuse. Farmer also accused Trump's ex-wife Ivana, the mother of Ivanka, of assisting Ghislaine Maxwell of recruiting young girls/women for Epstein to exploit and abuse.

11. When Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested for sex trafficking she immediately employed Jacob Wohl to destroy the credibility of her accusers and prosecutors. There are at least 2 photos of Paul Joseph Watson with Wohl: the 1st at a meeting in early March 2019 with several other members of the Infowars crowd, such as Alex Jones' mate and lawyer Bob Barnes, which suggests that Wohl is also a member of the Infowars crowd; the 2nd shows Watson and Wohl looking very, very chummy indeed with each with their arm around the others shoulders.

12. Alex Jones has called Roy Cohn, "a good man" and covers up Cohn's CIA paedophile networks while encouraging Tommy Robinson to expose muslim paedophile gangs.

13. A favourite of Infowars is Tommy Robinson, who worked for Rebel News as a Shillman Fellow. Shillman is a dedicated Zionist. During Israel's infanticide in 2014 the owner of Rebel News, Ezra Levant, organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide. Robinson has expressed his love for Israel and hatred of Palestinians on many occasions, and was even photographed standing on an Israeli tank brandishing an automatic weapon. Robinson firmly believes that 9/11 was done by bona fide muslims alone.

14. On 26th Decembr 2016 Infowars published an article by Michael Snyder entitled, "10 Times That God Has Hit America With A Major Disaster After The U.S. Attempted To Divide The Land Of Israel". Snyder suggested that Obama had cursed the USA because he was not a fervent supporter of Israel and Obama had worked to pass a UN resolution condemning Israel. Snyder also suggested that whenever the USA acted against Israel's interests God punished the USA with biblical floods or even a nuclear power plant meltdown! Why would Infowars publish this?

15. Trump recently lamented Israel's loss of control of America, and stated his strong belief that Israel should "rightfully" control the USA.

16. Alex Jones has admitted that he is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset working for a stay-behind network. Jones has also admitted that Trump was also recruited into the U S Military. I believe that Trump was recruited by General Flynn. But surely Flynn would have told Trump about the true origins of ISIS? And if so then why did Trump assassinate General Soleimani?

But what are the Ickes doing hanging around with ths lot, appearing on each other's shows, promoting each other and operating on Banned.Video?





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