
Saturday, March 26, 2022


The Ickes are really taking the piss now!

David Icke is now charging money for his world famous Dot Connector series that used to be free. I used to look forward to Friday afternoons because of that series, and even promoted a few of them.

But not anymore. 

The Ickes are now all about the money.

Can you see what their business/lifestyle model is now?

They terrify you into believing that reptilian satanist paedophiles are coming for their and your kids, and then say the only way to stop them is to buy loads of Icke stuff. Meanwhile Garth goes on many walks, holidays and jolly jaunts having a jolly good time without a care in the world.

Jesus Christ didn't charge for the Sermon on the Mount!

David Icke would now charge you just to smell his rancid eggy cabbage farts.


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