
Sunday, March 06, 2022


Alex is a bona fide U S Military Intelligence propaganda agent. 

Here's what Alex is covering up that we know of:

  1. the paedophile networks that Roy Cohn ran for the CIA;
  2. slavery, the origins of the Confederate States of America and the cause of the U S Civil War;
  3. the U S intel origins of the virus.

Trump's mentor and "greatest friend" was Roy Cohn, who was given a job as a lawyer in New York by the CIA to become the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob. Cohn also ran paedophile networks for the CIA for 2 purposes: to collect blackmail material; to supply children to be abused by CIA-sponsored satanists. Cohn covered up the murder of three children.

Alex's family were and probably still are Confederate. President Andrew Jackson began the forced removal of native Americans from soon-to-be Confederate states such as Georgia. This allowed the sale of land for plantations to be worked by slaves to produce cotton. Alex's family worked for and with Jackson. It was Jackson who destroyed the Second Bank of the United States for the British, and placed U S funds in the bank into the banks of his cronies, who squandered the money. The British then sent in Giuseppe Mazzini to lobby against slavery, thus creating a schism in America over slavery. Alex claims the U S Civil War was about a tariff when all Confederate states clearly stated at the time that the prime cause for their secession and thus the war was the preservation of slavery. Alex's family fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to preserve slavery.

Trump calls the virus "the China virus", and "Kung flu". Obama realised the danger of Gain of Function research and stopped funding such research. But the virus was proposed by U S intels. At the start of this proposal was Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance. Andrew Huff worked with Daszak for years, and claims Daszak is CIA. Huff made his allegations 2 months ago. Alex has called out Daszak as being central to the creation and development of the virus. So why has Alex not interviewed Huff? Alex has interviewed a probable defector from China who blames the virus solely on China. But the virus was very fortunate for Wall Street banks and Big Pharma. Indeed a DNA sequence patented by Moderna has been recently discovered in the virus. 

So what else is Alex Jones covering up?

And for whom?


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