
Sunday, March 06, 2022


First, Trump rode into the White House claiming that NATO was obsolete, and threatened to pull the USA out of NATO, but he didn't.

Second, Trump did absolutely everything he could to assist headchoppers Saudi Arabia to bomb Yemen into the stone age and create the world's largest humanitarian crisis, killing tens if not hundreds of thousands of children from bombs and disease.

Third, Trump praised Netanyahu as, "a great man", after Netanyahu had murdered 500 children in Gaza in 2014.

Fourth, Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed which has led to the early and painful deaths of many Americans from the vaccine, which Trump wants named after him as, the Trumpcine.  

And don't get me started on Trump's love of traitor for the British and Godfather of the Confederacy Andrew Jackson.

Now here's Trump demanding that NATO do something to stop Russia in Ukraine!!

If this doesn't convince the likes of Infowars etc that Trump is a genocidal prrrrick, and that they are fools, then nothing will.

The likes of Infowars praised Trump for pulling the USA out of the WHO, but all that did was hand control of the WHO to Bill Gates.

See : 'This is a massive crime against humanity': Trump says we 'can't let' the situation in Ukraine continue and slams 'paper tiger' NATO for its inaction

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