
Sunday, July 03, 2022


You know how the global elite, or the cult as David Icke calls them, consider us a virus and a cancer on the planet?

Here's what Credo Mutwa said about mankind:

Credo Mutwa, who has no love for the alien beings, observes with sadly laconic understatement, "We are inflicting unwelcome changes on a world, sir, which is really not ours. .. .Why," he asks, "has man turned into a virus like animal on this earth? The human race is destroying the Earth, sir. Why? We know it is wrong to cut the forests in the jungle. We know it is wrong to spill oil in the sea. We know it is wrong to make many chimneys and pour smoke into the air. But we are doing it."

[source : Passport to the Cosmos : Human Transformation and Alien Encounters, John E Mack]

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