
Friday, February 17, 2023


Note the plural: wars.

Because the author is correct: there are at least 4 wars in Ukraine at the moment.

But the author lets NATO off.

Yes, Russia invaded Ukraine.

But the author fails to address the legitimate reason for the invasion: the responsibility to protect (R2P).

The author writes:

That is not to accept the Western mantra of the “unprovoked” war. Russia has legitimate security concerns and may truly have felt that, in the words of its ambassador to the U.S., they had “come to the point when we have no room to retreat.” But that does not justify the assault on Ukraine. The war was a choice made by Russia without authorization by the United Nations or an immediate need for self-defense. It is an illegal war. And Russia bears responsibility for starting it.
But Zelensky called for the ethnic cleansing of Russians from east Ukraine!

And this was after telling the Ukraine people that he would implement Minsk II, but continued the undeclared civil war on the Russians of east Ukraine.

NATO cited R2P to start wars on Libya and Syria, even though the people being protected were NATO-sponsored cutthroat Jihadis sent into Libya and Syria to cause mayhem and oust Gaddafi and Assad.

But apart from swerving the direct provocation by Zelensky this article breaks down the situation in Ukraine well.

See : Who Really Started the Ukraine Wars?



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