
Thursday, June 29, 2023


Quing Charles III.

Queen Elizabeth II.

King Leopold II of Belgium.

Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Jacob Schiff.

Lord Alfred Milner.

Ceeil Rhodes.

Sir Edward Grey.

King Edward VII.

King George V.

Adolf Hitler.

Josef Stalin.

Henry Kissinger.

David Rockefeller.

Nigel Farage.

Ursula Von der Leyen.

Donald Trump.

Roy Cohn.

Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden. 

Andrew Jackson.

Albert Bourla.

Bill Clinton.

Hillary Clinton.

George W Bush.

Dick Cheney.

Boris Johnson.

Margaret Thatcher.

Tony Blair.

Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Christine Lagarde.

Klaus Schwab. 

Borge Brende.

Jens Stoltenberg.

Bill Gates.

John Kerry.

Al Gore.

Greta Thunberg.

David Icke. 

David Cameron.

[clue : it's not brown]

The vast majority of our leaders have been white males, either Christian and/or Zionist.

It is they who have made today's world, through war, terror and immigration.

Immigrants did not engineer and kick off WW1. Or WW2. That was the British monarchy and their Zionist allies.

Immigrants did not do 9/11. That was the British monarchy and their American and Zionist allies.

Immigrants did not crash the global economy in 2007/8. That was the British monarchy and their American and Zionist allies.

And immigrants did not create and launch the killer vaccines. That was Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.

If the power structure was reversed the likes of Paul Joseph Watson would be in an inflatable boat in the English Channel ready to land on the beaches of South England. 

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