
Friday, August 25, 2023


I found this on Tarpley's X.

The guy on the left is the President of Ukraine following a NATO coup in February 2014. That coup led to a neo-Nazi junta stealing power who started a de facto civil war against pro-Russians in east Ukraine. He told Ukraine that he would end that war and implement the Minsk II agreement, but he didn't, and in fact escalated that war by calling for the ethnic cleansing of pro-Russians from east Ukraine. So Russia invaded on a Responsibility to Protect (R2P) mission to protect pro-Russians in east Ukraine, and to force the implementation of Minsk II.

The guy on the right allowed cutthroat Jihadis sponsored by NATO to invade Syria from Turkey to try to overthrow the government of Syria. NATO cited a R2P their cutthroat Jihadis and bombed Syria. In fact, the USA is still occupying parts of Syria despite being asked to leave many, many times.

Tarpley went to and reported from Syria in 2011/2.

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