
Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Jackson was absolute scum, so no wonder he is the hero of thieving Zionist Alex Jones.

But aren't ALL Zionists thieves?

Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States for the British.

Jackson drove native Americans from their ancestral lands and sold those lands to planters who built plantations worked by slaves. This forced removal led to the Trail of Tears. This was the foundation of The Confederate States of America. Thus Jackson was the Godfather of the Confederacy.

Jackson loved slavery so much that he was one of the most powerful and largest slaveholders in The United States. Jackson also organised a raid on Negro Fort where runaway slaves from Georgia had found sanctuary with Seminoles. The raid was designed to capture and return the slaves to their 'rightful owners'. Jackson did not lead the raid, but the officer commanding the raid fired a cannonball into the fort which hit the fort's arsenal and blew up the occupants, runaways and Seminoles. 

Jackson worked for the admission of the slave state of Texas into The United States. Texas was founded in 1836. Alex Jones boasts that his family played a major role in its formation. But Texas was founded as a response to Mexico outlawing slavery. White European settlers in Mexico, Alex's ancestors among them, rebelled against Mexico in order to preserve slavery, and founded The Republic of Texas in 1836. Texas joined The Union but then seceded to join The Confederate States of America to preserve slavery. Alex's ancestors then fought in The Confederate Army at the rank of colonel and general to preserve slavery.   

So it is no wonder that the slavery-loving family of Alex Jones worked for and with Jackson, as Alex has boasted.

Jackson destroyed The Second Bank of The United States for the British. The bank was building The United States into a rival of The British Empire, so the British wanted it destroyed. Jackson withdrew the federal funds in the bank and placed them in banks owned and/or run by his cronies. These banks became known as Jackson's Pet Banks. These banks created a huge credit bubble based on these federal funds which led to the financial crisis of 1837. Thus Jackson had squandered the finances of the Government of the United States.

Jackson also gave the Rothschilds their big break by appointing them as financial agents of The United States in London.  

One book, which Alex sells, is, The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G Edward Griffin, who portrays Jackson as a hero and man of the people. 

None of the above is mentioned by Griffin.

Two devastating works destroy the myth that Jackson was a patriot and hero of the people:

  1. How Andrew Jackson Destroyed the United States, by Michael Kirsch;
  2. Andrew Jackson as A Treason Project, by Anton Chaitkin. 

When Aaron Burr assassinated Alexander Hamilton he hid out at Jackson's plantation, The Hermitage, before fleeing to Great Britain where he stayed with top British Intelligence agent Jeremy Bentham. Burr was connected by marriage to the highest levels of The British Army.

So why would Burr find sanctuary with Jackson, and also plot more treason against The United States with Jackson?

And what does that say about Jackson?

As a bona fide propaganda agent of U S Military Intelligence, Alex Jones is propagating the myth of British agent Andrew Jackson.

Surely THAT is treason.

Or just plain dumb?

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