
Wednesday, July 03, 2024


In John Carpenter's, The Thing, an entity assumes the appearance of what it kills. The film starts with a helicopter chasing a dog, with a man in the helicopter shooting at the dog, trying to shoot it dead.

Everyone immediately assumes the men in the helicopter have gone insane, or are drunk, or both. For who would chase and shoot at a cute little doggy?

Turns out that the dog is this thing that kills and takes on the appearance of its victims. And eventually the humans start to realise what's happening.

The Zionist thing, Israel, is being seen for what it is: fake.

There is no God in Israel.

They claim to be God's chosen ones, so they can do anything they want, including engineering a holocaust (yes, leading Zionists did finance, protect and even collaborate with the Nazis). 

Now Ben-Gvir, the National Security Minister of Israel, in order to clear prisons overcrowded since 7th October, has a simple solution for this problem of overcrowding: shoot the prisoners in the head!

No trials. No jury. Not even a judge.

Sounds a bit Nazi to me.

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