
Wednesday, September 11, 2024


I was at work when I heard that a plane may have flown into the WTC. I went home and watched TV for more news.

I didn't believe that a man in a cave had bamboozled the most powerful and sophisticated military in the world on their own turf for several hours to fly a passenger plane into The Pentagon.

9/11 was an inside job.

PNAC had written of their desire for "a new Pearl Harbor" so the USA could go on a warmongering rampage across the globe. 

In response to 9/11 the USA first invaded Afghanistan, not to get Osama bin Laden who was already dead by then, but to restore the opium harvest that the Taliban had destroyed.

Then the wars moved onto enemies of Israel: Iraq and Lebanon.

By 2010 the world was sick of war, so the USA portrayed a bunch of cutthroat Jihadis as 'freedom fighters' in what was called, "The Arab Spring", in order to start wars on Libya and then Syria. These terrorists morphed into Islamic State and were assisted by the usual suspects: the Anglo-American-Zionist intels.

But the one country that has so far swerved being attacked by the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is Iran.

But they're still trying, even 23 years later.

Trump tried to provoke Iran, but failed.

They even tried to blame the failled  assassination attempt of Trump on Iran.

Trump could be the perfect POTUS for The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire: Trump claims to be the biggest Zionist on the planet; and in Vance he has chosen a VP who would go to war against Iran immediately.

Yep, 9/11 was an inside job.

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