
Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Are there any wealthy anti-NWOers out there willing to help me financially to train to become a lawyer?

I have reached a crossroads in my life and am wondering which way to go; law or something else. This is probably the last crossroads in my life and therefore probably the last chance I will get to become a lawyer, except if I win the Lottery. I have applied to enter Law School and am receiving offers now, having applied late. I'm seeing my bank soon about a large loan they do for these kind of studies, but even if I get it I think that will still not be enough. It's so bloody expensive, particularly to study at the award-winning respected institutions.

What I need is a Labour-Party type loan; one that may never require paying back, or at least not for a while for it will take four years to qualify. I'm sorry but I cannot offer any peerages, only someone who will understand the NWO and be prepared to fight them in their courts.

1 comment:

  1. Ask Cherie Blair,Queen's Council (joke) she has plenty of spare cash and apparently gives a good blow-job.
    Then you can defend some jihadis with her.
    Maybe you would look good in a wig.
