
Thursday, April 13, 2006

A PRIMER IN CONSPIRALOONACY (and it's lizard-free!)

"Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws".

This quotation is attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He had five sons and one was sent to each of London, Paris, Vienna, Naples and Frankfurt, and they each opened a bank. They coordinated their lending policies. The son who came to London, Nathan, ripped off the stock brokers of London during the Battle of Waterloo and made a fortune, virtually buying up all British government bonds at a fraction of their true value after he pretended that Wellington had lost while already knowing that Wellington had in fact won. With this fortune Nathan bought out the then privately-owned Bank of England in 1825, and since then the Rothschilds have been directing British domestic and foreign policies. They controlled the issuance of the British currency. They could decide how much money was in circulation. But more importantly they could create money for whoever they wanted through a system of banking called Fractional Reserve Banking. This system allows the Rothschilds, and bankers in general, to simply create money with a stroke of a pen. They can create money for themselves, their friends and cronies, for dictators and for wars, while we must work, work, work leaving little time for anything else.

So with all this power to create money, what do you do with it? Research cancer and methods for stopping it? Abolish poverty and hunger? Or do you fund a couple of dictators and world wars?

Well, we still have a charity for cancer research, and suffered Hitler and Stalin and fought two world wars, each leading to an attempt at world government!

The 19th Century is known as The Age of Rothschild. Through the coordinated policies of their Rothschild family banks, and their control of central banks such as The Bank of England (the banks which issued the national currency), they were the financiers of the British, French and German empires. They also tried to gain control of the USA through several attempts at creating a privately-owned bank, even creating the 1861 Civil War. Each succesful attempt only lasted a handful of years before the American people understood what a Rothschild-controlled-and-owned central bank does; it serves the Rothschilds and not the people. In 1913 they finally got their privately-owned central bank in the form of The Federal Reserve after years of plunging the US economy from boom to bust and paying agents to lobby for the need for a central bank to stop the economic chaos they were in fact creating! This trick is called The Hegelian Dialectic. Create a problem, manage the reaction, and implement the solution. It's basically creating an excuse to do what you want. [For example, say one country's government wants to invade another country but does not have a reasonable enough excuse for the public to support the invasion. Waddya do? Howzabout set up a bunch of patsies, have them hijack a couple of planes on a particular day and arrange several simulations of terrorist attacks for that same day(just like Cheney did), then have your air force stand down, and in the confusion allow the patsies to fly into a few important buildings? (Check out Operation Northwoods). Your public are then baying for blood and you can invade wherever you say the culprits came from!]

Edward VII isolated Germany, creating a series of treaties and gentleman's agreements with the powers of The Congress of Vienna. A British Intelligence network called Young Europe, with Freemasonry, assassinated Archduke Ferdinand. The Archduke himself knew that Freemasonry wanted him dead, and it was also known in certain Freemasonic circles that the Archduke was going to be shot dead. Freemasonry is run from Freemasons Hall, London (where BBC series "Spooks" was made). The British then pretended to mediate for peace between Austria and Serbia, and told Germany it would not get involved in any war. Germany had previously shown that it would back down at the potential for conflict with Britain. So with Britain indicating that it would not involve itself in the conflict Germany encouraged Austria to pursue a military solution. So Austria, with support from Germany, declared war and the treaties and agreements arranged by Edward VII then began to fall into place, and countries took sides. As soon as Germany invaded Belgium as part the Schlieffen Plan to take out Paris the British then cited an obscure treaty with Belgium and joined the Great War. Britain had already sent its Expeditionary Force with supplies in anticipation of this move by Germany. Thus Germany and Austria were tricked into aggression by Britain. But by 1916 the Allies were in financial trouble. The USA and its newly created Federal Reserve couldn't lend the Allies money because the USA had not formally declared war. The war was 3000 miles away and the American public had no stomach for it. So The Lusitania was allowed to be sunk by Germany (when Churchill was in charge of the Navy) while it was carrying American passengers and illegally carrying ammunition. The USA went wild and formally joined the war in 1917. Germany didn't stand a chance and a year later the war ended. This then led to the Treaty of Versailles which labelled Germany as the aggressor and ordered Germany to pay enormous war reparations. The first attempt at a World Governnment was made with The League of Nations. Its HQ was donated by the Rockefellers, co-conspirators and fellow central bankers with the Rothschilds via their shares in the privately-owned Federal Reserve. The enormous demand for money during the war from The Federal Reserve from the Allies then allowed the likes of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to create lots and lots of money which fed the 1920's boom. But in Germany Wall Street banks also created the cartels such as IG Farben which would come to dominate the German war industries. Kaiser Wilhem II was told by a Freemason that Freemasonry i.e. Britain, wanted to destroy the central european powers.

The League of Nations failed because the USA voted out of it. In order to help persuade the USA that it should join a world government The Royal Institute of International Affairs was created in Britain, and its sister The Council on Foreign Relations in the USA. Since then all Presidents of the USA have been members of the CFR. The League of Nations had been sold as the answer to all man's problems caused by World War 1. In order to create another World Government which would survive, a longer and bloodier war was required.

So Hitler was financed by Wall Street into power. A patsy was blamed for the Reichstag Fire and Hitler assumed total control. American industries collaborated with Germany to build its war industries. Rockefellers gave IG Farben the patents to manufacture synthetic oil and rubber, absolutely necessary for a mobile land war machine. Germany had little access to either. Rockefeller also financed the racial and mental hygiene studies in Berlin. Ford built tanks. The list is endless. Hitler was allowed to rebuild Germany specifically for war. The Treaty of Versailles had reduced Germany's defences to virtually nil, but in the space of 15 years, and despite Hitler's demands for expansion, he was allowed by the Allies to rebuild the Wehrmacht. He invaded France, Austria, Czechoslovakia and finally Poland. He was reclaiming what the Treaty of Versailles had taken away. This was all set out in the Nazi Party manifesto, which is why he received substantial Wall Street support because Wall Street wanted another terrible war. Britain then declares war to defend Poland and the Rothschild crony Churchill is appointed PM.

Regarding ideologies, Hitler's enemy was Communism. Russia had been under attack from Great Britain since the mid 19th Century. Young Russia, controlled from London, was created for terrorism within Russia. Derivatives of Young Russia made several assassination attempts on the Tsar and his officials and succeeded. Communism, like Islamic Fundamentalism, was fostered in London. The Communist Party was created in London, with Marx and Engels being paid to write the manifesto. The 1848 revolutions were controlled from London and run out of Freemasonic lodges. In 1905 a revolution financed by Rothschild agent Schiff failed. But in 1917 The Bolshevik Revolution was successful at overthrowing the Russian monarchy. We associate this revolution with Lenin and Trotsky. Lenin was sent into Russia in a sealed train by Germany with "the Rothschild gold", or rather an element within Germany working for the Rothschilds, namely Freemason and Rothschild-cousin Bethmann-Hollweg. Trotsky was living it up in New York and set sail for Russia. He was stopped en route in Canada suspected of being a German agent, but was released with the help of British and American miilitary officials. Once in Russia Lenin and Trotsky were supervised by British Agent Bruce Lockhart and the American Raymond Robins. It was MI6 agent Captain George Hill who created the Cheka to destroy the counter-revolution so that the Bolsheviks would retain control. Schiff and others from the Rothschild circle later admitted to financing the Bolsheviks. They were rewarded with juicy contracts for natural resources and industrial and military development. Thus Wall Street and the City of London created and built Communist Russia.

So from the start the Soviet Empire had been helped into creation by Wall Street and the City of London. Similarly for Nazi Germany. These two fight. Pearl Harbour was 1) provoked, and 2) allowed to happen, thus bringing the USA into the war. During the war the factories of Wall Street subsids in Germany were not bombed. Several suggestions from Abwehr Chief Admiral Canaris that he hand Hitler over to the Allies were refused. Both of these actions allowed the war to go on and on, leading to more death and destruction, and increasing the likelihood that a world government would be accepted aferwards by the survivors.

So after nearly six years of yet another world war the world was ready to accept a world government; The United Nations. And again, the Rockefellers donated the HQ for this world government, which ironically is on the grounds of a former slaughterhouse.

The UN has since been gradually assuming more and more control over governments.

Intermediate supernational organizations are growing in influence; NATO is in Afghanistan and is now being sent to Africa. The EU and NAFTA are creating virtual governments and expanding. Once our governments have ceded more control to the likes of the EU and NATO then it will be much easier for the EU etc to cede total control to the UN.

And who housed the UN? The Rockefellers.
And who financed the Rockefellers? The Rothschilds.

Both are major shareholders in The Federal Reserve, with the Rothschilds having more control.

This has all been financed by the banking system known as Fractional Reserve Banking which allows the banks to create paper and electronic money that did not exist and lend it out as if it was backed by some precious metal, when it is not. In return the bankers want your car, your house, your country, your world and ultimately you in debt slavery. They currently hold the 3rd world in debt slavery and are now after you.

Do you get it now?

First, understand what Fractional Reserve Banking is, and then ask the Bank of England if such a banking system is in operation.

But also ask yourself; if they are prepared to have millions and millions of men, women and children die in world wars, and from hunger and starvation due to a debt they don't really owe, how hard is it for them to order a terrorist attack on London, or Washington and New York? (Remember Londonistan and Hempher)


  1. You are one big nut case.
    You obviously have had your mind micro-waved.
    I dare say you carry a copy of the "Protocols of Zion"next to your heart?
    With people like you in this country, the Islamic jihadists will not have to do much more bombing and you and yours will let them have their Sharia law enclaves and finally, the crescent moon of Islam wiil fly over No. 10, just as all Mahadjiroun romised, then all your political freedoms will be gone at one chop.
    I know the likes of some of those that bombed London, and I know there motivation, I live amongst them and I study their beliefs.
    You really believe all that guff you wrote about the attacks and who ordered them?
    God help you, not that you believe in God.
    Not for the moment any way.
    Soon you will not have the choice.
    You liberal fanatics had better get your burkhas measured up.
    How you can sit at your computer trawling the internet for conspiracy theories to explain away the cruelty that islam promotes as a matter of course, (don't tell me you have not seen)you have done the dead and their innocent families a huge insult.
    You are a tool of the jihad.
    In old money, you are a traitor to your own people.

  2. Don

    you conjure up images of Tony Blair being beheaded by a menacing Saladinesque figure brandishing a rather large, ugly scimitar from which drips the blood of slaughtered infidels.


    You really can't see that war is what is supposed to happen so that we all kill each other while the elite make a profit both financially and in power, for the whole point of the current state of world affairs since 9/11 is to realize a destructive clash of civilizations from which rises a one world government controlled by the very people who are conniving the clash in the first place?!

    Get a grip on reality, man.
