
Wednesday, August 15, 2007


The Chief Constable for Cheshire Constabulary, Peter Fahy, yesterday attacked parents and cheap alcohol for the increase in anti-social behaviour in teenagers. I assume this is in defence of the Police action (or inaction) in the death of Gary Newlove.

The Home Office also agreed with "the substance" of the comments of Fahy.

But in both cases the "just blame parents and alcohol" argument should be amended to account for the blatant criminality manifesting in society, right from the top trickling all the way down to the bottom.

It was the UK who went into Iraq in 2003 against international law.

This criminality trickles down from the top, in which the UK creates and enforces unfair international law or ignores international law altogether, to the bottom, in which the under-priviliged and poverty-stricken see crime as a way to simply survive.

"Behind every great fortune lies a crime" - Honore de Balzac

During the reign of Queen Victoria the British Empire virtually ruled the world. It achieved that through slavery, through invasion and imperialism, and through engineered famines and wars.

The British Empire was built on blatant, bloody crime, and lots of it.

That criminality of the British Empire still exists through the control of the global financial system, based in The City of London and Wall Street/District of Columbia, which is 100% pure fraud, enforced by a Freemason-riddled Law and Justice apparatus.

If those at the top of our society are to remain the top criminals in the world then they need a criminal society underneath them for two reasons:
1. to keep them at the top of our society (an educated and clean living society would see through their lies and crimes and topple them),
2. to believe in or accept the criminal actions of those at the top.

Hence the sad but not unexpected death of Gary Newlove. The lack of respect shown in our youth today, manifesting itself in the sad but not unexpected death of Gary Newlove, is not purely down to alcohol and bad parenting. Those reasons are partially valid, but not the sole reasons.

Go down to your local cinema or DVD/video rental store and look at the films available to watch, particularly the more recent films and re-releases. THEY ARE SICK! They are violent. There is no clever or moral plot or historical education in them. They are simply 100% tortureporn.

Similarly, go down to a pub or club in any town or city centre and they are loaded with drugs, playing banging, moronic music helping to hypnotise the young men and women into fighting or having one-night-stand sex.

Yet go to mainland Europe, and it is like living in a completely different planet (except where there are pissed-up British louts on stag or hen nights). I have walked around Vienna several times on a Friday and Saturday night. It is brilliant. Not only are the streets clean, they are also very safe. There are pubs, clubs, wine bars etc. , but hardly any violence. Why the difference?

Why are the British so different?

Guess who tricked whom into world war during the 20th Century.
Guess who financed the dictators of the 20th Century.

There lies your answer.

It was our leaders and their secret servants who have allowed that dark force to mainfest within them. And so that dark force is encouraged to manifest itself in our youth, so our leaders can continue with their dark agenda and megalomaniac schemes for total world control. With an uneducated youth more concerned about getting pissed/loveless sex/drugs/adrenalin sports, our leaders can get away with murder, mass murder, literally.

That is how Gary Newlove died. It is not just down to bad parenting and cheap, abundant alcohol. The murderers of Gary Newlove are products of centuries of social engineering by the greatest criminals in the world, The British Elite.

1 comment:

  1. Fahy has a comment posted in The Guardian Comment is Free section.

    I would say most of the repliers have the same thing to say as me, that Europe has a different culture and very little or no violence, but none of them seem to link to the criminality of our leaders for the last handful of centuries, and how that criminality got the UK and USA to the economic dominance they now have, and brought us world wars, genocidal dictators and horrible, gruesome death in astronomical numbers (and still does through the global financial system).
