
Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I didn’t know Gary Newlove personally. But I know people like him. In Warrington. We all do. A loving man with a loving family who wanted to make the world a slightly better place in his own little corner of the world, the street where he lived, and suffered tragically for it.

I know Warrington quite well. I was there when the rave scene kicked off circa 1990. The place was flooded with drugs. It was due to this abundance of drugs in Warrington that I began to become suspicious of the local Police. Later I came to realise just how corrupt the local Police force were and probably still are.

Warrington is halfway between Liverpool and Manchester, and halfway between Stoke/Crewe and Preston, surrounded by the major motorways the M6, M56 and M62. It has its affluent suburbs and its not so affluent suburbs. It is a large North England town with its fair share of pubs and breweries, pub and work football teams, shopping centres and supermarkets, and sadly, its protected gangsters, thugs and criminals.

What I am about to say is true : I have been waiting for a death similar to Gary Newlove’s to happen specifically in Warrington for about five years now. There is something rotten in Warrington that has been allowed to fester for years, a very dark energy. I feel it whenever I am there. Others I know say the exactly the same thing. I strongly suspect Warrington has been used as a laboratory for some sort of social engineering experiment, and with this I am reminded of “A Clockwork Orange”.

There seems to be a worshipping of violence and lawlessness in that area. Tony Wilson, who had the nickname “Mr Manchester”, died last weekend. Many are sad at his death. But I believe he shouldn’t be praised so much, for it was he who helped to create “Gunchester”, a legacy that still haunts Manchester with shootings it seems every week, usually over drugs or the gangs who run the drugs, a scene fuelled by The Hacienda and the musicians who frequently attended there.

Blair should also be in the dock for Gary’s death. Bilderbergers Blair and Thatcher, and Trilateral Major. Blair’s Britain killed Gary Newlove. Blair inherited Major’s Britain, who in turn inherited Thatcher’s Britain. It is their policies (social exclusion, dumbing down of education, cuts in resources and violent films and games, while billions can be created with a click of the fingers for war and to save the bankrupt financial system from collapse) that have led to the attitude that youngsters of today have; abandonment, rejection and a “fuck you” that Lord Rothschild would be proud of.

Gary Newlove was kicked and punched to death outside his own home by a gang of young kids out of their heads on drink and drugs. What sort of Britain are we creating for ourselves when this can happen?

I didn’t know Gary Newlove personally. But I know people like him. We all do. A loving man with a loving family who wanted to make the world a slightly better place in his own little corner of the world, the street where he lived, and suffered tragically for it.

Who’s next?

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