
Thursday, August 09, 2007


Wow! The man is dynamite, ain't he?

The first ten minutes of Newsnight was simply pure propaganda for the war on Iran.

It started with ALLEGATIONS that Iran was fuelling the sectarian war in Iraq, and then comments from an anonymous "British official" that pulling out of Basra is exactly what Iran wants, and some more whaffle.

Then came the John Bolton v Dennis Kucinich showdown.

Kucinich is the man who started impeachment proceedings against Dick "the fart in the spacesuit" Cheney with HR 333.

So despite the introductory allegations against Iran fuelling the Iraqi civil war, Bolton immediately starts ranting about attacking Iran over its nuclear weapons policy.

Are Bolton's drinks spiked with testosterone and amphetamines?

Bolton championed the war on Iraq. Look at it. It is a violent shithole. It was destined to be so, so that idiots like Bolton could appear on idiotic BBC Newsnight to broadcast their idiotic warmongering rants about bombing Iran.

But, this is August. Last year it almost kicked off over Lebanon. It seems the Iran agenda is being rolled out with some desperation.

It appears quite a few hold this same view from the discussion board on the BBC Newsnight website

Steve wrote:
I feel John Bolton is constantly harrassed unfairly. He is right we should attack Iran with no evidence available, if we had not attacked Iraq think what state the world would be in now,and the links with the taleban and iran even though they hate each other is there for all to see. We should also consider attacking venezula bolivia and the uae, because i reckon they may be against us aswell, and for that matter scottish nationalists.[TTS: very sarcastic, but funny]

Bryan27 wrote:
Isn't it time Newsnight stopped using John Bolton? He was sacked last year & no longer represents the US administration. His views are predictable, & his style offensive. Putting him on the programme turns it into Punch & Judy, not a balanced presentation of news & comment.

David Bateman wrote:
You really shouldn't -after her disgraceful cut-off of Alex Salmond, let Kirsty Wark get away with yet another blocking out; this time of Dennis Kucinech's response to John Bolton's final snide remark. It makes really unsatisfactory viewing, especially when taking into account the great importance of the subject of Iran/US relations and intentions.

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