
Monday, February 18, 2008


Mohammed al Fayed had his day in court today. It has taken him over 10 years, and he made the most of it. So much so I hope he has not made too many wild allegations.

I believe he is basically correct; that Diana was murdered by elements within MI6, CIA and French Intelligence. The reason for this is that, as al-Fayed claims, Diana spoke to him one hour before the crash to inform him that she was pregnant and an announcement was to be made the next day about that and her engagement to Dodi.

Can you imagine how different the world would be today if Diana and Dodi had married and had children? How much more understanding there would be between Islam and the West?

Today's troubles stem from a plan set in motion before Diana was born and from an incident that occured after she died. Palestine was stolen during and after WW1, and 9/11 occured in 2001.

I strongly believe that Diana, if she was alive, could have stopped, or at least stalled, the wars of today. 9/11 would still have occured, as would 7/7, because they were state-sponsored false-flag terrorism, designed for war. But the rush to war would not have occured. This may well have led to professional investigations of those two incidents, and who knows, maybe the real truth may have come out!

There are several organizations who could prove al Fayed's claim about Diana's phone call to him one hour before the crash. They are MI6, NSA and CIA. There will be a few others, but these are the 'household' names. Can we check the phone records to see if such a call was made (though the contents of that call may never be known)? Diana's phone calls were monitored. Whether the plot to kill her was executed immediately upon her making this alleged phone call, or the call merely confirmed the execution, I don't know.

But al Fayed has had his day. Crocodiles, Draculas, and Nazis. It is all good stuff.

But as many reporters are saying, it is all allegation and no substance. al Fayed can stand in court and make all the claims he wants.

The only people who can prove his allegations true are the murderers.

He knows it.

And they know it.

[Has he requested the heads of NSA, MI6 to testify?]

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