
Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Mohammed al Fayed lost his son ten years ago. He has been trying to get an inquest in to the death of his son for ten years, repeat, TEN YEARS!

This morning's papers are full of al Fayed's comments from yesterday. There is a mixture of fact and allegation.

The Daily Mail reports al Fayed as referencing the following;
1. The Mishcon Note
al Fayed calls the withholding of the Mishcon Note, in which Diana predicted she would die in a car crash, as criminal and unprofessional. To me, if a senior police officer does not present evidence which indicates the deceased predicted her own death, that is undoubtedly unprofessional and possibly criminal (as I do not know the law that well).

2. Paul Burrell
al Fayed referenced an article in The Sun in which Burrell boasted he had withheld evidence and had come to an agreement with the Queen. Burrell also noted the Queen referencing dark forces at work in this country.

3. Paul's blood samples
how can Henri Paul's blood samples be so wrong? He should have been visibly drunk according to his samples, but CCTV shows he wasn't.

4. that phone call
only the NSA etc will have the tape of the phone call in which Diana allegedly told al Fayed she was pregnant, however phone records should indicate if such a call was made.

5. Prince Phillip
his Nazi connections are well-known, he is a major, major Bilderberger, and wants to come back as a virus to wipe out the human population.

6. James Andandson
his white fiat uno destabilised Diana's car in the entrance to the Pont D'Alma. He was later found shot dead in a burning car after boasting that he was there.

7. Tony Blair
Blair's lust for unnecessary death is unbounded, just look at Afghanistan, Iraq, and his employment at JP Morgan Chase

Al Fayed used his time in court to let loose some names which are amusing.

But when you look at what has happened, and what we are supposed to believe, I think al Fayed has some serious questions that still, after ten years, remain unanswered.

There is a question about the speed at which the crash could have been implemented, but we are talking about professional assassins. This can be proven by the NSA submitting all phone calls between certain concerned parties at certain times that it recorded.

Do you think that will happen?

Well, that is what al Fayed is saying! The NSA, MI6, etc will have records of these phone calls, as well as other very important documents, but they will refuse to release them. Why?

So do I believe al Fayed?

Let's just say, his family didn't engineer and start World War 1!

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