
Saturday, January 24, 2009


Please consider the evidence.

1. Gordon Brown attended the 1991 Bilderberg meeting and has not revealed what he or others attendees said, not revealed in public anyway but may have done so privately to certain individuals.

2. Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer between 1997 and 2007, and has been Prime Minister to date since leaving that office.

3. It was recently reported that Brown said he did not see the recession and coming depression on the economic horizon, despite occupying the two most privileged positions in government.

These are the main points.

Further to these, please consider the following as supplementary and supporting evidence;

1. Gordon Brown sold off our gold at the wrong time and the wrong price for the United Kingdom, but at the time it was at the right time and right price for the global gold conspiracy identified by Reginald Howe at .

2. Gordon Brown was in favour of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, which led to the deaths of approximately 1 million civilians and Iraqi oil going to Western oil companies instead of the Iraqi people, as promised by his fellow Bilderberger and now erstwhile Special Peace envoy to the Middle East and employee of J P Morgan Chase (boo, hiss, get off), Tony "trust my creepy smile" Blair. He also voted against an inquiry into the Iraq War.

3. Gordon Brown has bailed out our untrustworthy, reckless and gambling banks with hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of pounds of taxpayers money without any investigation as to how the banks caused the financial crisis and why.

4. Despite bailing out the banks with hundreds of billions of pounds of taxpayers money, Gordon Brown can still find tens of billions of pounds for an ID Card system that will not work but will further the implementation of a police state.

5. No inquiry into the July 7th 2005 attacks on the London Transport Network, the largest terrorist attack on mainland Britain.

The list is endless.

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