
Monday, January 26, 2009


Staying silent on the recent slaughter in Gaza was a good indication of Obama's loyalty to Israeli butchery and violence.

And now Obama is engaging in a little butchery himself, but this time in Afghanistan (the most opium-rich region in the world).

What's the civilian body count with him occupying the White House for less than a week?

Within hours of becoming President-Elect he appointed the son of a Zionist terrorist as his Chief of Staff.

He appoints Hillary AIPAC-sucker Clinton as Secretary of State.

He appoints Dennis Ross as Special Envoy to Iran, when Ross is currently the Chairman of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, a think tank established in 2002 by the Jewish Agency (see ). The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute is an Israel-First organization which links to WIZO (Womens International Zionist Organization, founded by the wife of Chaim Weizmann), The American Jewish Committee (founded by Jacob Schiff), The Jewish Agency for Israel, AIPAC, and the ADL.

And he appoints rabid anti-Russia Richard "cleans toilets with his tongue" Holbrooke as Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan (where the Obama body count is now accelerating).

It don't look good folks.

NB in the following report Karzai suggests that such wanton violence "is strengthening the terrorists." Well of course it is. The governments of the UK, USA and Israel need to provoke terrorist attacks for excuses for military adventures overseas and implementation of a police state at home!



Afghan president: U.S. forces killed 16 civilians
Thousands protest against government and United States over reports news services
updated 6:21 a.m. ET Jan. 25, 2009

KABUL, Afghanistan - President Hamid Karzai on Sunday condemned a U.S. operation he says killed 16 Afghan civilians, while thousands of villagers denounced the American military during an angry demonstration, Reuters reported.

Karzai said the killing of innocent Afghans "is strengthening the terrorists."

The issue of civilian casualties is sensitive in Afghanistan and has eroded public support for Karzai's government and the foreign troops backing it. It has also caused a rift between Karzai and his Western allies more than seven years on since U.S.-led and Afghan forces overthrew the Taliban's government.

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