
Sunday, April 26, 2009


Not content with wanting to implant us all with a microchip and assuming that planning a protest is a crime worthy of infiltration for pre-emptive arrests, they are now asking British soldiers to fire on the British taxpaying public who pay their wages.

This explains the recent media operation to make darlings of the Brtish Army.

Why are they so scared of us?

Because of what they have done to us.

Not just in the rip-off of the ages that has just occured, but the whole manipulation and warmongering and profitmongering and megalomania that they believe they are entitled to do is gradually coming out and being accepted as fact not conspiracy.

WW1? They did it.
Hitler, Stalin and WW2? They did it.
Israel and it's slaughtering? They did it.
9/11? They did it.

They did it all.

They know it.

And now we know that they know that we know they did it.

Brown trouser stains all around. I can smell the stench from here!



'Will you open fire on UK citizens' Army personnel being asked
by IanPJ on Mon 02 Mar 2009 13:52 GMT

In a stunning conversation with a friend, who is a serving member of the Armed Forces, over the weekend, it was revealed that transfers to regiments and other units in the UK on home duties are being undertaken by the MOD based upon whether an individual was prepared to 'open fire' on UK citizens during civil disturbances.

I found this long and extracted conversation to be both bizarre and frightening. I will state at this point that he is someone that I have known for years, and trust implicitly. The fact that service personnel are actually being asked in special briefing sessions whether they would fire on their own nationals indicates that the rumours about the Army being put on standby are indeed very true.

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