
Monday, April 27, 2009


There is a disgusting and fraudulent comment by Anatole Koletsky in The Times today, entitled "Bullets meant for bankers could kill the welfare state" at

I have never read so much drivel and waffle in one comment.

Basically Koletsky says this; don't punish the banks 'coz we need 'em.

This is very similar to what Mandy said the other week.

Koletsky attempts to make his argument scientific, quoting statistics for this, that and the other.

But we can do without the banks in their current form, very easily.

They're all hopelessly bankrupt, even with the trillions in bailouts and loan guarantees.

So take them into bankruptcy and replace them with publicly-owned banks and credit-issuing organizations whose interest is not a quick buck-and-to-hell-with-the-consequences, but is instead the long term steady growth of our economy.

They gambled. They lost. It's that simple.

That God-like power to create money for the economy was abused knowingly and willfully. They knew what they were doing, but didn't realise that by doing so was violating The Fraud Act 2006 Section 4 because their partners in crime the FSA were not fulfilling their duties under the FSMA 2000 and informing us how the financial system worked, probably with the nod from the banks themselves and the Treasury and the Bank of England, and were also being ordered by Bilderbergers Balls and Brown to go easy on The City.

J P Morgan Chase, advised by Bilderberger Blair but is ultimately Rockefeller, appears to be the biggest beneficiary. It has been able to purchase two of its major competitors, Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, at bargain basement prices and with the help of bailouts.

J P Morgan Chase is basically a Rockefeller production.

Bilderberg is basically a Rockefeller production.

I can find nobody from Bear Stearns or Washington Mutual who has attended Bilderberg.

I can however find plenty of Bilderbergers from Citi, Goldman Sachs, AIG and the Federal Reserve and The US Treasury, you know, the ones who got the big bailouts and financed the bailout.

So when Koletsky says leave off the banks he is basically saying it is OK to screw the British public big time and get away with it!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anatole

    the banks have just knowingly torpedoed the entire global economy.

    How the hell can you defend them, particularly now that we know they engineered and financed both WW1 and WW2?

    We do not, repeat NOT, need them.

    We do not, repeat NOT, want them.

    They are ghosts who have not yet realised that they now belong in the afterlife.
