
Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Dr Death rolled into town last month, peddling his DIY suicide kit. For whatever reason he was allowed into the country to persuade old people to buy his suicide kit and kill themselves.

I warned that, due to the deliberately-engineered financial crisis, we would see massive cuts in the NHS and pressure would be put on services in a big way for years to come, and one way to save money is to kill people.

And when I mean kill people I mean kill your family members.

So when I woke up this morning the first thing I heard was Andy Burnham trying to slowly get us used to the idea of massive cuts in the NHS.

If I were a cynical money-grabbing heartless stockbroker I would be buying shares in Dr Death. His services and kits will be needed quite a lot soon...and not just here in the UK but across the world.

Phrases such as 'tough decisions' will be uttered more and more frequently as the ideas of euthanasia and killing people in the name of saving the planet are pushed.

The problem, if it is a problem, is that there are just too many of us to control. We need culling.

That's why the microchip implant is being pushed.

But where has this cult of death come from?

Why have we bailed out the greedy reckless gambling bankers with trillions while preparing ourselves for the society portrayed in Soylent Green?

Because our glorious and 100% trustworthy Prime Minister has betrayed us, not just into the Nazi EU but by supporting every major step towards a New World Order, a world government run by warmongering megalomaniacs with a fetish for tyranny and mass genocide.

Ask yourself this one question : why did our Fuhrer quickly and without question bail out the banks with trillions of our hard-earned tax money while preparing to implement Nazi-style 'healthcare' to save money?

This is a sick country run by sick MPs who have not a clue.

I just hope they see through the bullshit when their grandchildren are being compulsorily microchipped and their mothers and fathers are being refused treatments that would save their lives in order to save money.

So what is the answer?

Tell the banks to F off. They've leeched off us for far too long. We then create our own money for whatever we want; hospitals, transport infrastructure, schools and universities.

Tell the Nazi EU to F off. They've leeched off us for far too long. We then create our own laws, for us.

It's dead easy. Honest.

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