
Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Labour just suffered the worst election results in ages.

Several members of the Cabinet resigned.

Yet the Prime Minister survives.


Because of one man...Peter Mandelson.

So who is Mandelson?

Allegedly Mandelson was an enemy of Brown. Yet he is now arguably the most powerful man in the government, more powerful than Brown himself, after Brown brought Mandelson back into government!

How many members of the Labour Party are Bilderbergers? There are only a handful, because that is all it takes, and they are invariably in the most powerful positions in government.

Mandelson? Bilderberg.
Brown? Bilderberg.
Balls? Bilderberg.

What about Blair? Blair is no longer in government. He is supposed to be trying to stop the Middle East from blowing up, but not doing a good job. He is being proposed as the President of the EU. He and some of his allies did write against Brown, possibly encouraging a coup against Brown. But why would Mandelson save Brown?

In case you have forgotten there has just been a global banking crisis, arguably engineered by Brown and Balls after they told the FSA to let the The City of London get on with their greedy reckless gambling, but definitely engineered behind the closed doors of Bilderberg meetings during this decade. The result of the crisis has been the strengthening of the IMF, which in the last few decades has been run by a Bilderberger. The IMF already has plans to control the whole world economy. I wonder for whose benefit the IMF will run the global economy?

To deflect the public anger away from the banks the MPs expenses farce was brought to the attention of the public by a bona fide MI5-controlled newspaper after a former MI6 agent suddenly became altruistic and gave that newspaper the details.

All this was bound to drag Brown into big, big trouble. And it did. The public wanted blood...a general election to clean out the House of Commons.

So who did Brown bring back from the dead? Rothschild friend, very pro-EU and fellow Bilderberger Peter Mandelson!

Now Brown has been saved.

So why would Brown be saved? Because there is no guarantee that a Bilderberger and/or pro-EU leader would be elected. The EU is absolutely essential to the plan. That's why Brown reneged on a massive promise to give us a referendum on The Treaty of Lisbon and signed it with a knowing smile.

If Brown had gone, what would have happened?
1. a general election, probably resulting in anti-EU David Cameron being elected PM,
2. another internal election in the Labour Party with the outcome unsure, but Alan Johnson, a non-Bilderberger, may well have won that

But for now Bilderberg is still in control of Great Britain, just about by the skin of their teeth, but their ability to retain that control is now in question and their manipulations are out in the open, there for all to see.

And to top it all, Mrs Obama popped into Number 10 to take tea with Mrs Brown!

Remember this and tell your microchipped children and grandchildren : Bilderberg Brown signed us over to the Bilderberg Nazi-EU.

Heil Brown!

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