
Sunday, October 11, 2009


Now that Blair is apparently losing support for his bid to become President of the EU we are allegedly proposing little boy David Miliband as EU Foreign Minister, so that Great Britain, of the 27 states who may well ratify the Lisbon Treaty, occupy at least one of the two power positions.

Lest we forget, Miliband was threatening war against Russia last year for invading South Ossetia.

That's about the level of his diplomatic skills.

When Israel bombed Gaza at the New Year and slaughtered thousands, including many innocent women and children, little boy David, like Nobel Peace Prize winner Obomber, did sweet FA.

And when Russia invaded South Ossetia to stop an attack by Georgia, who were shelling civilians in their beds, little boy David wanted us to go to war against Russia.

The boy is a plonker!

And he, like proven warmonger The Butcher of Baghdad Blair, must not be allowed anywhere near the power positions of the EU, assuming the Czech Republic ratifies the Lisbon Treaty and Eton/Oxford/Bullingdon Cameron, like Bailout Brown despite his promise, doesn't give us a referendum.

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