
Friday, October 09, 2009


Bilderberger Martin Wolf has written a curious comment in the FT today.

At first Wolf presents some statistics about the deficits we will face due to the greedy reckless gambling by those f*^&ing bas$£ards in the banks, i.e. Wolf's mates, and they don't look good.

Wolf then asks; what are we to do?

Wolf does not propose a solution explicitly, but read this paragraph and I think I know what Wolf is proposing; KILL GRANNY!

When large, long-term cuts have to be made, the best approach is to set priorities and make structural changes. Obvious examples are: big changes in unaffordable and unjust public sector pension provision; big rises in pension age, to take account of higher life expectancy; long-term constraints on the remuneration bill (but not pay levels) of the government; and deep reforms in welfare spending. The crisis is a golden opportunity to impose discipline and make reforms.

[source : FT 09/10/2009 Britain’s phoney debate on slashing spending]

NB Wolf mentions pensions...TWICE!

Just how does Wolf expect to deal with "big rises in pension age, to take account of higher life expectancy"? Surely he is not proposing to cut if not stop the state pension? Or was he wearing a moustache when he wrote this?

Two of Wolf's Bilderberg mates are Sir Peter Sutherland (who recently assisted the pro-Lisbon Treaty movement in Ireland) and Sir Tom McKillop. As board members of RBS they would have agreed the remuneration of Sir Fred Goodwin NB, Sirs, all three of 'em. Goodwin has been hounded off these islands because of the revulsion to the size of his pension. It could pay for twenty pensioners per year, as well as keeping Goodwin in luxury.

There is something mentally wrong with people who suggest we attack the aged to bail out greedy reckless gamblers.

Does Wolf have a granny he is offering up for sacrifice?

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