
Wednesday, November 18, 2009


In the last couple of years a new special day has appeared on our calendar. That day is Bilderberg Bankers in Need Day. Coming before Children in Need Day means that the Bilderberg Bankers get more, hundreds of billions more, than they should.

Banks such as JP Morgan Chase were given tens of billions which it used to buy up a few of its competitors after 'someone' began rumours that those competitors were in serious trouble which led to a run on their deposits and rescue by the US Treasury and Federal Reserve, which is part owned by JP Morgan Chase. Those banks who were bought up had never sent a representative to Bilderberg. But those banks who had received tens of billions in bailouts, and those sickening bailouts were proposed and authorised by Bilderberg!

Explain that!

If that's not a prosecutable conspiracy...

Attend Bilderberg and you get tens of billions in bailouts from your friends.
Don't attend Bilderberg and you get bought up with bailout money.

Meanwhile, thanks to such manipulation by the Bilderberg Bankers, there will be many many more Children in Need, but also many many more Little Old Grannies in need of protection from the Liverpool Care Pathway, and its equivalent to be implemented under ObamaCare.

That, my awakened friends, is how it works on screwed up Planet Earth.

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