
Friday, November 13, 2009


The BBC Radio 5 Live debate this morning hosted by Nicky Campbell is on Afghanistan. At least two callers came on to state that they believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, and immediately Campbell made the ignorant statement that if the CIA or the Zionists had managed to pull that one off (i.e. 9/11) then surely they would have found at least one WMD in Iraq?!

9/11 was the catalyst for the implementation of the plans set out in the 1990's by the same group of Zionists focused on Dick Cheney. Those plans were laid out in two documents, A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses.

A Clean Break called for Israeli aggression against its neighbours, specifically Iraq, Lebanon and Iran.

Rebuilding America's Defenses called for America to fight multiple simultaneous wars to impose its will and grab natural resources. It was stated in that document that a new Pearl Harbour was required to initiate this aggression.

Before 9/11 the USA was negotiating with the Taliban regarding pipelines to extract the fossil fuel in the Caspian basin, but the Taliban wanted too much money. The Taliban had also eradicated the opium harvest.

Before 9/11 the USA received many warnings about an attack on the USA, involving simultaneous hijackings and using those hijacked planes as weapons, causing some high level officials to fly on private jets, or to not even fly at all!

Before 9/11 Cheney was drooling over the prospect of controlling Iraqi oil stating in 1999, "While many regions of the world offer great oil opportunities, the Middle East with two thirds of the world’s oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies, even though companies are anxious for greater access there, progress continues to be slow."

On 9/11 the people who had written Rebuilding America's Defenses and A Clean Break were either in high office, e.g. Secretary of Defense and Vice President, or were high level advisers with massive power to persuade and/or direct.

On 9/11 the most powerful air force in the world was mysteriously absent and unable to stop hijacked planes flying over North USA for nearly two hours, with one of those planes flying directly into what is assumed to be one of the most protected buildings in the world, The Pentagon, just across the river from The White House.

After 9/11 Osama bin Laden was immediately blamed and we were promised a dossier of evidence by Colin Powell. No such dossier was made public, and the FBI do not explicitly list 9/11 as a crime that he is wanted for, stating that there is not enough evidence to prosecute bin Laden over 9/11.

After 9/11 opium production is now at record levels.

After 9/11 the corrupt Karzai now runs Afghanistan. Karzai's brother is a CIA agent with reported links to the heroin trade.

After 9/11 war criminal Henry Kissinger was appointed to investigate the mass murder, but was hounded out by angry relatives of those murdered on 9/11. Instead a commission was appointed to investigate 9/11, with links directly into the White House, with several members of that commission since complaining of interference and withholding of evidence, leading them to conclude that 9/11 is being covered-up.

After 9/11 Iraq, having also been accused of executing 9/11, as well as having WMDs, was invaded and now its oil fields are being sold to Anglo-American oil corporations, just as Cheney wanted.

After 9/11 Lebanon was bombed back to the stone age after a contrived kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers on the Israel-Lebanon border, as demanded in A Clean Break.

After 9/11 both the USA and Israel, egged on by the UK, are threatening war on Iran, as demanded in A Clean Break.

After 9/11 there has been a massive increase in powers of arrest, detention and surveillance by the state.

Ask the question that police investigators ask themselves when investigating a crime, cui bono?

Cui bono?

Who benefits?

Who benefitted from 9/11?

Not you.

Not me.

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