
Thursday, December 31, 2009


I will primarily remember and toast 2009 for the predictable failure at Copenhagen. Whoever the Climategate hackers are : CHEERS!

Serious damage has been done to the credibility of The Federal Reserve, and thanks very much to the grave incompetence of the Spew World Order for that.

The idea of a conspiracy to control the world has reached mainstream media in a big way; either by Mockingbird media and journalists trying to ridicule the idea, or by many, many ordinary members of the public commenting on online articles in the Mockingbird media. The Daily Mail seems to have a very knowledgable readership. I can foresee that such online commenting will soon be banned as a threat to national security (simply because the comments are true...)

But most of all I will remember 2009 for reaching a new level of conciousness. I've been through a lot in the last six years, and when that comes out in whatever form it does then it definitely will go super-charged turbo.

But I've realised and accepted density destiny.

There is to be at least one legal case, probably a handful of cases in all, to argue that we do not owe anything to certain banks, the ones we know are in on it all. This may well cross national boundaries due to the obvious nature of those banks, but I am confident that in front of a jury of twelve members of the public, who are wondering why their taxes shot up and their grandparents have been denied life-saving treatment after paying years of national insurance, that a decision can be reached that the world we live in is not right and can be changed for the better without violence.

Perhaps I am naive and will be murdered.

Perhaps lawyers on millions a year will get me on a technicality.

Who knows?

But at least I'll die knowing I tried in my own way arguing in court that this world could and should be a much better place, and the reason it is not is that those who can do something do nothing.

All the best for 2010! (except you, New World Order scum)

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